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Living Your True Path
Counselling Services

Calming, Clearing, Receiving Clarity

Self-actualiztion is the highest level of human need. It is difficult to achieve when our most basic needs have not been met including a sense of belonging, safety, security, love, and trust. It becomes even more difficult when we experience depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and loss. These human conditions and emotional experiences result from a separation of self. Receiving professional counselling services from Ya Doma Nature and Forest Therapy can assist you in reaching your full potential.  It starts with you and ends with you. This human journey can be difficult and so embarking on a life worth living with the support of a trusted and empathetic professional can ease your journey as you come to find trust and belonging within yourself. Working with your inner world will have you living a life worth living no matter what your outer world presents. You will be able to realize your true power; being fully present and aware in the space between what you encounter and how you will respond. This golden moment with the trust you have built within yourself will have you living with radical acceptance as you see the true beauty of it all. Mastering your inner world will manifest an outer world that will bring you the results you truly desire; safety, security, belonging, acceptance, love, joy, ease, and appreciation. Everything will fall into place when all is right within you.

Individual, Couples, Group and Soul Therapy Counselling Services

Living in Alignment

All services are currently held in nature or on line.

Nature is the perfect setting to regulate your nervous system so you can share in the most authentic way. Add forest therapy before your counselling session  to receive the most out of your time and efforts. Booking and paying for multiple sessions will give you a 15% discount on all of the services you receive. 

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