(604) 378 0369
Ya Doma Nature and Forest Therapy
Reconnecting with your True Nature

Jikiden Reiki Services

I became a Jikeden Reiki practitioner in February 2020 from Mari in Chilliwack, BC. Jikiden means "directly passed down" in Japanese. This is the original authentic form of Japanese Reiki and has not been influenced by other teachings, healing modalities, or other cultures. I provide reiki services out in nature here in Harrison Hot Springs either in the forest or at the beach. Reiki is a gentle hands-on healing modality where Source energy flows through me and into the receiver through my hands. The energy is enhanced as we are both in nature where life force is abundant. You may expect to feel changes in body temperature and/or sensations. This is the energy moving through you. You may feel so relaxed that you could fall into a deep sleep.

Jikiden Reiki
Reiki Meaning
The word reiki has been around in Japan for thousands of years. It means miraculous energy that fills the untouched forest. Reiki treatment has been effective in healing illnesses and always creates a beneficial effect.
Reiki Treatment
Reiki treats the whole person; body, mind, emotions, and spirit creating a multitude of beneficial effects including relaxation, a sense of peace, security, and wellbeing. Reiki has been successful at treating physical and psychological illnesses of all kinds including reducing and terminating addictions and maladaptive habits and patterns. Reiki can be used in addition to other medical and therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Supported Services for Chronic Conditions and Ongoing Therapies
If you need support in healing from radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, or any chronic condition, try Jikiden Reiki 2 to 5 times per week. Home visits can be accommodated.
Reiki Practitioner
Through an ancient Japanese ritual, I was openned to receive Reiki energy from Source, which in turn flows through my body. My body becomes the conduit to bring pure Source energy to reactivate the natural healing process in others through the gentle touch of my hands.
Available to Everyone
Reiki works on everyone including animals either in person or distant. Although Reiki is spiritual in nature you do not have to be spiritual to receive its benefits. Reiki works regardless of your education, demographics, religion, beliefs or your doubts. Distant reiki sessions are available by referral or if you have been receivin regular reiki treatments by me on a regular basis.
Single Sessions
45 minute session $50.00
60 minute session $65.00
80 minute session $85.00