Anyone can forest bathe and like any practice, the more you do the more you receive. So, here are some very basic steps to get you started on your journey in Forest Bathing.
Anyone can forest bathe and like any practice, the more you do the more you receive. So, here are some very basic steps to get you started on your journey in Forest Bathing.

1. Find a certified forest therapy guide in your area. The guide will help you slow down and open your senses. Guides also organize walks and know the trails intimately. Guides provide an enhanced experience so you can be in the moment and not worry about anything.
2. Find a natural space that is close to home so you can go anytime you want to. The easier it is to go there the more you will practice.
3. Leave your phone and any other outside distractions. The purpose is to get in to the present moment and stay in the present moment. Outside distractions are alarming and will pull you out of your liminal state.
4. Come with no expectations. The forest will always give you more than what you are seeking.
5. Ground yourself.
6.Walk slowly. Walk as if your feet are kissing the earth.
7. Focus on each sense. Openning our senses is our way of connecting with nature and therfore ourselves. Notice what is happening as you sit with each sense.
8. Wander. You are not going anywhere. There is no destination. Follow where your body wants to go. Listen to what feels good for you.
9. Find a comfy place to sit. Sitting with a tree in particular is always worth doing. Find a tree that calls to you and stay a while. I wonder what comes up for you?
10. Smile. Cry. Laugh. Giggle. Sigh. Move your body. Respond to your experience in the moment.
11.Feel the Gratitude an give thanks to the forest for what you received.
12. Carry what you learned in to your every day life. Reciprocity is at the heart of relationships.
13. Repeat steps 1 through 12.